Multilingual Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing on localized documents to match the source and to maintain target language typography and standards.
At the end of the production cycle you will receive:

Quality assured localized files with matching formatting and layout—simply, translated documents with the look and feel of the original.

Postscript, PDF files for online and print publication, with or without bookmarks and working hypertext links.

If required, we can provide various output formats such as HTML, HTML Online Help, or XML files, generated from the translated files according to your specification.

Global DTP offers publishing in new electronic formats for portable devices such as Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone and other portable e-book readers.
Video and e-learning localization
Live content, demo presentation, e-learning
Global DTP established a multimedia department within the company and since 2008 has been successfully offering this service of multimedia engineering to various clients.
This department employs a team who can handle media engineering on product demos, e-learning courses, presentations, and animations using the latest bundles of editing tools.
Services we offer
- Preparation of video/e-learning for the localization
- Video/e-learning localization
- Capturing of video on localized operating systems
- Processing of video frames and screenshoting
- Subtitling
- Editing of audio tracks
- OST (on-screen-text) localization
- Source re-creation
- Synchronization of voiceovers with localized video files
- Editing of demo, presentation videos releasing new products (hardware or software).
- Connecting edited videos with flash presentations for web applications
- Basic programming support for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, XML and ActionScript 3
Applications we use
Video editing and e-learning applications:
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe After Effects
- Camtasia Studo
- Adobe Captivate
- Articulate Storyline/Studio
- Lectora Inspire
Other useful multimedia applications:
- Adobe Flash Professional
- Adobe Media Encoder
Independent quality assurance
To verify that online or printed material is delivered with the highest quality and precision
Quality Assurance has always been a part of our standard production cycle. We are also offering it as a standalone task.
Document preparation for translation
Preparing documents into a format understandable by machine translation tools
We use Trados S-Tagger, Story Collectors and Copyflow tools to extract text from various DTP applications into files that can be easily translated in Microsoft Word, Trados tools or any other CAT tools.
This phase of preparation may also include different types of work over the source documentation, such as content fix and tune-up, to ease and speed up the post-translation process.
Screen Capture, Bitmap, and Vector Art Editing
Localization of the source art
Screen capture - performed on the localized operating system with the relevant software installed. Taken screen shots are inserted into the localized documents.
Bitmap and vector art editing - illustrations are manually localized with the supplied translation to ease and speed up the post-translation process.
Template and document design
Design of vaious types of technical documentation
If your company is looking for a new and efficient single-sourcing technical documentation solution, then this task offers the best choice. With this solution, you maintain only one document source and get many output formats, such as printer-ready postscript, online PDF or HTML, or compiled HTML Help outputs.
The task briefly includes:
- FrameMaker template and document design to produce printed and online PDF outputs.
- WebWorks Publisher template design to produce online web-based outputs.
We offer advice in the field of technical documentation translation.
Should you require a cost effective technical documentation and material translation service, our specialist team of dedicated individuals will be able to bring forward a localisation solution to suit your requirements.